Enjoy a beautiful, long-lasting paint finish for years to come.
Our experienced team of Master Painters will enhance the look of your home with minimal inconvenience to you, treating your home with respect and leaving it clean and tidy. You can count on a professional, high-quality finish. Our interior house painters use PBF’s quality assurance checklist to ensure the job is done right, from preparation to the finishing touches.
In fact, you’ll receive a written house painting guarantee that’s the best in the business. We work closely with the paint manufacturer to certify your project has been done using top-quality materials and according to strict specifications.
Get in touch today for a free, no-obligation painting and colour consultation.
“Thank you PBF – our house looks so good. Why didn’t we find you years ago?!”
“The painters on the team were helpful and polite and ready to sort out any issues as they arose. Everyone paid great attention to detail in the preparation and painting. Having a 10-year guarantee is very reassuring, knowing PBF will be monitoring the paintwork and if necessary repairing.”
Christine Brown
Auckland Master Painters invited PBF to join their ranks after seeing our work on several Remuera homes. We’re proud to have our workmanship backed by this national brand.
One of only four Quality Systems Assured Master painter Contractors in Auckland
PBF are one of only four Auckland companies who have completed and passed a very thorough assessment of all of our quality Management systems and processes. PBF were presented with the certification after three months, many hundreds of pages of documentation, checklist and processes refinement, all independently scrutinised.
Call us today for your free painting and colour consultation.